Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Second Day

  • What changes did you make to your rocket from the first to the second launch?  We placed a second bottle to allow the parachute to open easier.  
  • What were some of the things that were successful with your launch and why.  Today, the parachute opened up and allowed the bottle to float in the air for 5 seconds.  
  • What were some of the things that were not successful with your launch and why?  The bottle tends to lean to the left side.  Maybe it is because of the weight and its unstableness.  
  • How did your launch compare with your prediction.  We are happy that our bottle reached our expectation of 5 seconds.  
  • What are some possible improvements you can make to improve the performance of your rocket. We want to improve with the bottleʻs height.  Maybe by putting less water, or pumping more psi may affect the height.  

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