Friday, May 6, 2011

Final Day

  1. What issues or problems did you encounter during the project?  Since the beginning, the hugest issue to our project was to allow the bottle to stay in the air.
  2.  How did these issues and problems affect the performance of your rocket?  Our goal was to place the bottle in the air for at least 8 seconds, but our rocket caused us to land earlier than expected.  
  3. What did you do to resolve the issues and problems? We changed the weight of the bottle, the angle of the fins of the bottle, and the amount of water in the bottle.  
  4. What was the result of your solutions?  As a result, the bottle rocket lasted for 9 seconds in the air.  Successfully opening the parachute and reaching the second level of Konia.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Second Day

  • What changes did you make to your rocket from the first to the second launch?  We placed a second bottle to allow the parachute to open easier.  
  • What were some of the things that were successful with your launch and why.  Today, the parachute opened up and allowed the bottle to float in the air for 5 seconds.  
  • What were some of the things that were not successful with your launch and why?  The bottle tends to lean to the left side.  Maybe it is because of the weight and its unstableness.  
  • How did your launch compare with your prediction.  We are happy that our bottle reached our expectation of 5 seconds.  
  • What are some possible improvements you can make to improve the performance of your rocket. We want to improve with the bottleʻs height.  Maybe by putting less water, or pumping more psi may affect the height.  

Monday, May 2, 2011

Launching Material

  1. What were some of the things that were successful with your launch and why?  The bottle was able to launch into the air after applying air pressure into the water bottle.  
  2. What were some of the things that were not successful with your launch and why?  The bottle was not able to float with its parachute because the parachute detached from the bottle at the launch.  The tape was too weak to hold the two together.  
  3. How did your launch compare with your prediction.  Yes,  our first goal was to allow the bottle to get into the air.  Now we are planning to enhance the bottles ability to float in the air with the parachute.  
  4. What are some possible improvements you can make to improve the performance of your rocket.  We want to improve on the floating time.  We may change the bag, fin the string, and find the right amount of water for the bottle to remain in the air for at least 5 seconds on our next launch.  

Our Rocketʻs Mass and other info.

  1. Mass of the rocket empty (no water)
    • Mass of the rocket full-  59 Grams
    • Total flight time-  1 Second
    • Time to maximum height-  15 feet
    •  Estimate the maximum height achieved by the rocket-  15 feet

Thursday, April 28, 2011


  1.   What where some of the biggest challenges with your construction?  Our groupʻs biggest challenge for this bottle was choosing the right materials in order to construct a strong bottle. 
  2. What factors did you take into consideration regarding the construction of you rocket (i.e. mass, shape of fins, parachute, etc)  We decided to allow the bottle to spin.  By putting the wings in a slight angle to the left, we believe the bottle will give a spin that will affect the air time of the rocket bottle.  
  3. Make a prediction about how your rocket will perform next week.  We predict that the bottle will be as good as we have worked on it.  There may be some flaws to it, but for a starter, it should be able to launch successfully.  

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome to Bernel, Mika, and Meaghanʻs Blogspot

  1. pressure-the exertion of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc., in contact with it
  2. psi- pounds per square inch
  3. center of mass- the point at which the entire mass of a body may be considered concentrated for some purposes;
  4.  propulsion-the act or process of propelling
  5.  Newtonʻs 1st Law- An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by another force
  6.  Newtonʻs 2nd Law- The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
  7.  Newtonʻs 3rd Law- For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction